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bosh sahifa  > Mahsulotlar

Butt Kengaytirish va Ko'krak Kengaytirish Qo'shimchasi Estrogen Kuchaytiruvchi Tabiiy Qiyshiqni Oshiradi Hayz Belgilarini Kamaytiradi va

Butt Kengaytirish va Ko'krak Kengaytirish Qo'shimchasi Estrogen Kuchaytiruvchi Tabiiy Qiyshiqni Oshiradi Hayz Belgilarini Kamaytiradi va

  • Umumiy ma'lumot
  • So'rov
  • Bog'liq mahsulotlar
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and supplier
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and details
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and supplier

Boshqa aloqador mijozlar xarid qiladi

12 yildan beri sog'liqni saqlash qo'shimchalari ishlab chiqarishda ixtisoslashgan
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and details
ma'lumot ma'lumotlari

Mahsulot nomi
Akne kapsulalari

Jelatin /vegan qoplama
rangli yoki mijozlarning talabiga
to'ldirish og'irligi
5g yoki mijozlarning talabi
amal qilish
2-5 yil o'rtasida

logotip dizayni
Oʻzlashtirilgan formulalar
Brend nomi
Agar xohlasangiz, sizning brendingiz yoki bizning brendimiz
To'lov usuli
t / t, uc, western union, naqd pul, ali escrow va boshqalar
Qadoqlash variantlari
Bulk, shisha, blister qadoqlash yoki mijozning talabiga ko'ra
Yuk jo'natish yo'llari
DHL, Fedex, UPS, EMS, TNT, dengiz orqali, havo orqali
Yetkazib berish vaqti
Buyurtma tasdiqlangandan keyin 5-25 kun
Bepul namuna

Etkazib beruvchi

gmp, haccp, is0 9001, is0 22000, qs
Organic, halal, kosher sertifikatlash koʻpchilik mahsulotlarda mavjud
Yetkazib beriladigan joy
Xenan, Xitoy (ularning qitʼasi)
Kompaniya nomi
Zhengzhou Linnuo farmatsevtika kompaniyasi, LTD.
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and details

uyqu choyi ham yaxshi boʻlishi mumkin

mahsulotning brendini / funksiyasini / formulasiyasini soʻrashingiz mumkin
shakli / taʼmi / rangi / qadoqlash narxi va boshqalar
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and supplier
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and factory
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and supplier

Ishlab chiqarish jarayoni

Linnuo fabrikasi fotosurati, zavodga tashrif buyurishga xush kelibsiz
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and factory
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and details
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and manufacture

yukni to'lash muddati

Biz yukni kuryer, havo yoki kema orqali joʻnatamiz.
dservis. agar havo yoki kema orqali yuk havo va dengiz portlariga joʻnatilgan boʻlsa.
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and manufacture
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and supplier
Butt Enhancement and Breast Enlargement Supplement  Estrogen Enhancer  Increases Natural Curves Reduces Menstrual Symptoms and manufacture

1. Siz zavodmi?
Ha. Biz zavodmiz. Biz vitaminli gummi va funktsional shirinliklar ishlab chiqaruvchisiz.

2.Siz qanday sertifikatni taqdim eta olasiz?

3.Sizda jo'natishga tayyor mahsulotlar bormi?
Ha, shunday. Inventar roʻyxati uchun mijozlarga xizmat koʻrsatish xizmatiga murojaat qiling

4.Sizda OEM xizmati bormi?
Ha, shunday. Mahsulotning brendini / funktsiyasini / formulasiyasini / shaklini / taʼmini / rangini / qadoqlashini / narxini va hokazo soʻrashingiz mumkin.

5.OEM xizmati MOQ nima?
5000 shisha / 1TON. Ko'proq miqdorda, kamroq narx.

6. Namunalarni bepul olishim mumkinmi?
Ha. Bepul namuna olish uchun mijozlarga xizmat koʻrsatish xizmati bilan bogʻlaning.

Aloqa o'rnatish

Email Address*
Telefon raqami*
Kompaniya nomi*

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